Our goal together was to eradicate the melanoma early with a state of the art clinical ‘combined immunotherapy’ trial. This drug therapy has been a ‘penicillin moment’ in the history of cancer treatment. But, for all the success we have had in our research into and eradication of melanoma, in approximately 30% of people, it has very little or no impact.
This is where our team at MIA has focussed our energies; and not just in the clinic and clinical trials, but also in the laboratory. Regrettably, too, this 30% tend to be young, fit, and in the prime of their lives.
Melanoma does not discriminate, and it is the most common cancer in young people in Australia.
Neil spent the next three and a half years under my care at MIA, with his partner Sonia at his side. Neil explored every possible option. He was resilient. He was persistent. He quite rightly and appropriately approached this as a problem that would be solved. Our whole team worked with Neil and Sonia tirelessly towards that very same goal. Neil’s attitude inspired us all. It continues to inspire us now.